I bless the world because I bless myself


This is the title of Workbook Lesson 187 in A Course In Miracles.

The lesson starts off: “No on can give unless he has.  In fact, giving is proof of having.”

If we STOP counting our problems and setbacks and worries we could make room for thoughts that bless ourselves where we are right now – wherever that may be.

Bless yourself for all the thoughts of love that you extend to friends and family.  Extend love to that person you saw standing in line at the grocery story who you judged as _________ (fill in the blank) by sending them message now.   A simple little thought like -“I saw you there and my ego judged you but now I withdraw that thought and see you as a Holy Son of God that you are.”

Since you send the blessing you have right now blessed yourself.  You have also blessed the world because you powerful mind sent a the powerful thought of LOVE and acceptance.  The Course says all minds are JOINED at some level, so just know your loving thought was received not only by that person but to others – the whole enormous family!

In the Course, Chapter 1,  Page 14 in the text:

Perfect love casts out fear.   If fear exits, there is not perfect love


Only perfect love exists.  If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist!

Send perfect love.  The miracles is remembering you are a Decision Making Mind and you can choose the Holy Spirit, in your mind, (the thought of peace) and send love or even ask for help…..RIGHT NOW!


Go to Workbook Lessons and see Lesson 187