Hey! Watch your thoughts!

What are you thinking, what is your general outlook on life, work, friends, relatives etc.?  Negative thoughts of condemnation, separation, and judgments lock you in and imprison your mind as surely as the iron prison door clanks behind you.  Think of that, you are imprisoning yourself! You have a beautiful mind.  Use it to your advantage.  Fly! Whenever you have a negative thought replace it!  Would that be hard?  For example “Aunt Iris is a complaining old woman.”  Change it to “Aunt Iris has problems”  Would that be so hard?  Better yet, “Aunt Iris has the Love of God within her.”  That would be a true thought.  That would also mean: “I have the Love of God within me.” A true statement.  And ask yourself:….do I ever complain??

Whatever you say or think about someone else, is within you as well.……or you wouldn’t see it!  It is important to watch what you are thinking and being the curator of your thoughts; is this kind; is it mean; judgmental; is it reflecting a jealousy; is it comparing or condemning yourself?  Watch and see.  Do you want to keep the thought?  Can you say: “I am open to changing this thought or I do not want to keep this thought?  or I cancel it now, I do not want it.” Yes, we all have judmental thoughts but don’t have one you would keep.

There is so much division in our society, maybe in our family relatonships and isn’t it really silly?  We are all beautiful souls connected to the goodness we came with and finding our way through life, learning lessons, forgiving ourselves and others especially when we realize we need and want peace.  Don’t sabotage yourself with a negative thought. Negativity will affect YOU and arranges your FUTURE in the negative!  Watch and notice and immediately reverse any and all with a re-statement of release. Also if your thoughts have been judgmental about someone reverse them as well.  They probably do not know what you have been thinking.  But whether you keep them or reverse them, you know!  Your Spirit knows and the Higher Self within that is your identity, KNOWS.  Here is one statement you might use or make one up for yourself

“My Dear friend, please forgive my past judgments. 

I apologize for them, I was wrong.

I love you, thank you for sharing this life.”

Ahhhhh, you are free. The prison door is wide open, walk in the sunshine and feel the love within give you the gratitude you always have and deserve. Can you feel it?

Remember, Choose Peace!

From: A Course in Miracles Lesson 14 “I have no neutral thoughts.”

There is no more self-contradictory concept than that of “idle thoughts.” ²What gives rise to the perception of a whole world can hardly be called idle. ³Every thought you have contributes to truth or to illusion; either it extends the truth or it multiplies illusions. (ACIM, W-16.2:1-3)

From: The “I Am” Discourses” (page 3)

“The student, endeavoring to understand must stand guard more strictly over their thoughts for ever time you say “I am not; I cannot; I have not,” you are throttling the Great Presence within you. When you make a declaration using the words “I am not” you set in motion mighty limitless energy that continues to act, unless it is recalled and the imperfection reversed. The Ascended Master St. Germain

Author: “The Gift of the Great Rays, Inner Peace Essays , the Course In Miracles and its Promise of Freedom.” Available Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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